Michal_Filly_Astra's Home Page!
1-10-00 |
Site for people who love dogs. With photos, tips, dog of
the week, training information, and much more.
Filly & Astra |
Chatterie Jovisca
2-18-00 |
Presentation of my persians cats.
Diane |
Horses and More
2-18-00 |
Animal health, missing birds, stolen horses, free graphics, cyber pets.
Joy |
Astro64ths Nintendo Gallery
2-18-00 |
We have all kinds of information and pictures here for game fans of all types who love Nintendo.
Please check it out.
Josh |
Songs4him's Christian Music Store
3-26-00 |
A Web-site not wanting to 'win it big' in the online store biz. It's all about
inspiring people to give their hearts through Christian Music. Music reaches many people out
there, many think there isn't any good Christian music out there, This shows them there is.
Most importantly, It helps get the word of God out, and may save many souls through Christian
Tony |
The Madhouse
4-6-00 |
The rantings and ravings and continuous adventures of a madman trying to make his
way in the world.
"The Madman" (Greg Mooradian) |
Kennel de Tremaudan
5-18-00 |
This site is dedicated to the preservation of the working Dobermann and Bouvier des
Flandres. Information on the sports that we do as well as recipes for a raw, natural diet for
dogs and cats. Lots of great links too!!
Cynthia Stevenot |
Tony's Dance Room
5-18-00 |
This is the first personal homepage I have made in quite some time now. I have some
freinds pics on here, and the graphics for the links and on the graphics page were made by me
(not the backgrounds though, just the actual images).
I'll be adding more later though.
Tony |
The Scot-Irish Pet Clan
6-25-00 |
Well, my site is about my pets (Squiggy, Tommy and Maxwell) I also have alittle
about my family heritage in Scotland and Ireland. I have Irish Names and Scottish Names, and I
even have a Theater for pets to try out for movies! (Not like real movies, just a pretend
thing) I have alittle page about the language I'm learning called Scottish Gaelic. (Not much on
that page yet) And well, more!
Adriana |