G'S Spot Purrrrs for Mr. Bullet Catherine Kelley (November 21, 1999)
[For all you feline lovers out there, Mrs. G.G., married to Mr. Bullett, brings you 50 pages of romp
and fun. If this is not for you, then she has pages on poetry! Also, look for her "mouse" page!--ck]
G.G., aka GGGO, is webmistress of
G's Spot. She is a working mother of three grown children,
grandmother of four "adorable" children, ages 10 through 16.
She has been married to Mr. Bullet,
as in Ask Mr. Bullet for almost 15 years!!
G.G. was born in and spent most of her life in the greater Cleveland area.
"I always liked to travel and it was not unusual for me to pack up my children and take a vacation to some place
we had not been during the summer vacation.
Alaska is the only state I have not been in, though some of the states I only passed through. My age?
You can tell I'm no spring chick by the ages of my grandchildren, but isn't age just a matter of how you feel??"
[We are all smiles here and purring quietly!]
They purchased their computer in August of 1996 because they were both anxious to get on the Internet.
"This was the beginning of the problems," G.G. said.
"Soon, we realized that two people cannot travel in different directions with one computer!!
A second computer was out of the question at this time.
A friend of mine from work had just bought a WebTV and told me of the advantages of owning one,
and it was affordable! In February of 1997, I purchased our WebTV classic for my husband for his birthday.
Hopefully this would free the computer for my exclusive use.
It didn't take me long to see how much more enjoyable the WebTV unit was over the computer.
It was a lot more comfortable to sit on the sofa and be on the Internet than to be on a chair at a desk.
So, it did help with our problem, but was still not our solution!"
It was not until May of 1998, that they also purchased a WebTV plus unit.
"This was our answer! We now have our original computer, the old classic that I use,
the plus that Mr. B uses and all are connected for our Internet needs.
Some say I am an addict...so maybe I am, but I'm a happy one!!
At first she just surfed around. "My first year on the Internet was spent in awe of other peoples' websites.
Just surfing and e-mailing...not at all interested in making a site of my own,
and what would I have as a subject for my site? I had no real hobbies. Until one day,
I happened across a 'kitty' website. My goodness, I had always had at least one kitty in our family and at this time,
had two of them. They had always been family members and it was just accepted that they had their place
in our family. There were also a couple of animal issues, spay/neutering and animal testing,
that I felt very strongly about!" And G.G. thought this could be the place where she could address these issues.
Well, now G.G. had a dilemma since she had very little knowledge of HTML.
However, she knew just enough to place an image into her e-mail signature. [And we all started there, G.G.]
Well, lucky for G.G. that she had her husband, Mr. Bullet, "at my beck and call during this time."
Needless to say, her husband spent many an evening attempting to teach HTML to her.
"I was also very lucky to have as my second teacher, a very good friend of mine,
Doc Draac."
G.G. shared that it was at this point in time that "all of this HTML stuff was pretty new to all of us.
Even our teachers were just learning! Doc and Mr. B spent a lot of time trying to find answers to all of our questions.
There were so many people (too many to name all of them) working together back in 1997-1998
and every new code was exciting for all of us. It was quite an adventure and I'm one of the lucky ones who
was able to experience it. It was the beginning of what we know as WebTV today."
G.G. explains what readers can find on her webpage. "'G's SPOT' is a collection of pages of my thoughts,
articles I have collected, pictures of my kitties, their stories and antics.
They have a 'ninja' page, showing them in training and their diplomas. Our two little kitties, Scully and Fox,
are just over a year old now. They each have a page of their own, with photo pages.
They came into our lives as our two older cats, Tabakitty and Lude, went to the 'Rainbow Bridge' in 1998.
We have memorial pages for these two kitties, and pages sharing a little of their lives.
We have pages with facts and interesting information about kitties. When you have had enough of kitties,
we have poetry pages and even a 'mouse' page!! G's SPOT is proud to display our special achievements
and awards our site has received. We also give an award to sites which meet our 'family' standards.
We, Scully, Fox and G.G., belong to some 'Kitty Clubs' and are as active in them as time allows."
G.G. is so proud of her webpage and well she should be what with its second birthday on January 1, 2000.
"Two years of fun and learning, and over fifty pages! 'G's SPOT has come a long way, baby!!"
She is enthusiastic about her WebTV unit! "WebTV has been a very good source of information and fun in this home.
I wake an hour earlier than necessary each morning just to start my day off with my WebTV e-mail.
[Huh? Oh, me tooo! :-)] Nothing better than checking my mail with that first cup of coffee in the morning.
Sharing that first hour with some of the nicest people that I call my WebTV friends!!
Through my website and other friends, I have met people who share the same interests that I have.
Through the many newsgroups, I have learned different views and opinions.
I have definitely widened my horizons... all through the internet, via WebTV."
[Community Editor's Notes: And haven't we all, G.G.! The kitties are so cute and so are their antics!
The poetry pages are just lovely!]